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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Expect Less to Have More

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Sometimes in life you see a person as one of the closest to your heart but at other times they seem to be the farthest of all. You end up with a shock and despair. Mood swings and attitude variations are the clear symptoms of this situation. No matter how much you revere somebody the problem comes when you expect the same in return. Yes it is the imbalance of expectations and returns that ruins all goodness in you. When either increases it results in to the decline of relationship. Expectation is a natural process of cognition that enables a person to associate with someone or something like a mother expects her child to be obedient, a colleague expects the other to cooperate, a wife expects her husband to his time and money ;-) . However when these expectations increase from a certain limit they change into beliefs that seldom possess any so
lid base.
One very infamous statement about this is
" Never expect anything from others as expectations hurt"
Well it is true but it does not mean strictly that you stop expecting. Expect good not the best expect respect not the protocol. When you start with modesty it will automatically lead you to privileges you endear. But when you already aim to get a pile of gold probably you will not even find its shine. So lower down your expectations and you will be demand.
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I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy graduated from King Edward Medical University Lahore Pakistan. Being fond of art and innovation I always seek something around of play and joy. I love painting and won several positions in the same. Speech and Writing are also my favorite. I also have interest in video making and designing. ;)


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