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Friday, September 11, 2015

UniUsual - Musical Short Video

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Recently a Media Festival was arranged on All-Pakistan level by Kemcolian Arts and Photographic Society at King Edward Medi- cal University. The festival comprised of three major events including still art (painting, calligraphy, sketching, photogra- phy, handicrafts etc), battle of bands (the singing competition) and short video compe- tition. Students from all over Pakistan representing different colleges attended the event and participated with fervor. Among the participants were the students of School of physiotherapy too. It was for the first time that such a grand event was arranged at the campus. So utilizing the opportunity students of final year DPT (2010-14) took the initiative and despite of their final professional exams, dared to make two short videos for the competition. For both the videos, the concept, direction and screenplay was written by Muhammad Sheraz Alam (final year). While the camera credits were courtesy of Marriam Zakria (final year). And it was for the first time that short videos were made by students of School of Physiotherapy. One of the short videos was a musical tele- film named “Uni-Usual” based on the univer- sity life of students outside the class, with a twist in scene and story. The message con- veyed through this short film was “Think of the other side of the Picture too”. The film depicted a story of an incomplete love trian- gle and deception. However, it was unfolded later that it was just the sequence of screen shots and nothing else. The cast included Ali Sufian, Muzammil Chouhdary, M. Waqas Mughal (fourth year), Zartasha Sajid, Gul-e-Raana Khan, Zahra Athar, Marriam Zakria, Fouzia Naeem, Sadaf Irshad (final year) in main characters. While Ahmad Azhar, Ahmad Siddiqui and Ahsen Abid (second year) in supporting role. As the video was played in the competi- tion hall there were voices saying “Once More, Once More…” complemented with clamor of clapping and whistling. The video was announced the Best Runner-Up Musical Video.

The video has been filmed at KEMU main campus and participated in All-Pak Short Film Media Fest 2015 and won the hearts of all audience.Thanks to my wonderful cast and team
Posted by Muhammad Sheraz on Wednesday, June 10, 2015
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I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy graduated from King Edward Medical University Lahore Pakistan. Being fond of art and innovation I always seek something around of play and joy. I love painting and won several positions in the same. Speech and Writing are also my favorite. I also have interest in video making and designing. ;)


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